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Conversation With Sat Nov 19, 2024

Discussion on How to trust more, compassion, looking for solutions, the choice to be curious about news, how can understanding become a realization.

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Question 1: Dear Sat, with Your love and words of wisdom, my life has been transformed. I feel more peace, silence and more interest in hearing the Truth. You have emphasized the importance of Trust and You have also elaborated on the importance of not believing the picture. The more trust I experience, the less pain and suffering I feel.
May I ask You to advise me if there is a way for me to strengthen my trust more?

Sat: I think you are doing it. The more it is proven to us that it works, the deeper our trust becomes. Trust really has two sides to it. One side is that you are letting go because you know there is an Omniscient Existence within yourself. When you are putting your back to It and relaxing in that, that is one way of letting go- which automatically happens with it. The other side of it is [that] Trust is really a very automatic and spontaneous Stop or Stay Meditation.
When we really believe the Promise (and) that the ego self or the small self doesn’t have to be anxious or doubtful about anything, all it (the ego) has to do is release this doubt and anxiety, then automatically the mind calms down.
How to increase it? By just putting it to use and really standing on the ground of not moving and to never forget that one of the most important parts or points in Trust Meditation, is that it says “If you don’t take thought, not just any thought-anxious thought, I will take care of everything in your life.” To some degree, it (this point) has been proven to all of us.
I was talking to someone today and telling them that it seems like moment to moment, these teachings are proven to us that it (trust) works; it is not even day by day. Just keep up the good work. That’s all.

Question 2: I have forgiven someone who has caused me pain, and I genuinely want to hold compassion for them. However, when I see their suffering or struggle, it pierces my heart. How can I cultivate the strength to look at their suffering with a heart of compassion, without it affecting my own peace and emotional well-being?
Sat: It’s just too many emotions that are being involved here. When we forgive someone, we clean our own heart from animosity, revenge or hardship. We forget at the same time. We forgive and forget. The compassion could be emotional, which this person is going through, it can be wise- which is to just trust and do Omnipresence for that person, or to just let it go as if nothing bad exists in that person’s life. Compassion does not mean that you should sell yourself to emotion. That is not the spiritual meaning of compassion. Although in the world, the more you worry for someone, the more you love them. Genuinely, what compassion really means is ‘I see the discomfort of that person in front of me and I am going to not believe it. I am not going to tie them down to misery by me accepting their misery.’ That way of looking needs some dissecting and understanding (of) what I am trying to say.
The bottom line is to stay away from the emotion of compassion so much, and actually do something very productive, which is silence and seeing the situation as okayness. Or, if you are into prayer say ‘Dear God, I put this person at Your feet and I know all is well.’

Question 3: Can You please help me have a deeper understanding of the following quote:
“Every time we give understanding to who we really are, we are actually sitting at the feet of love.” From DVD, Contemplative Meditation-Language Of The Heart, September 6, 2005
Sat: It really means silence. Every time that we go Home, at the feet of love or peace or silence, we free the thinker from entanglement with the constant thinking. That is all it means-to just settle down, to bring the energy downward, and to stay content.
Of course, when we have work to do, it (the work) raises, and it should raise, the energy. But the energy does not have to be disturbed while it is rising. In other words, when there is too much thought circling around an idea, we just become aware of it and we just settle down while the thinking is still going on. This way, we can choose the right thought at the right moment.
I always say that looking at one’s self is a must, we must [do that]. No practice takes roots in our consciousness, as long as we still don’t know our pattern of thinking and reacting. Because even when we practice, it is a surface practice.
But when we know a thought that rises. ‘Ah-oh’, we know this thought, and we know the consequence of going with it, which usually is disturbances. Then, we have noticed it and we let it go, we let it go. Then, another one (thought) rises that is profitable. ‘Ok,’ then we see it and we go as far as we need to. This way, we really have mastery over our self.

Question 4: Dear Sat, may I ask You to elaborate on the following quote: “We don’t look for a solution. We look for elimination through understanding. Look, the world has looked for a solution for many problems and we see that it has only multiplied because we did not question our quest.” (From U.S. Chat 5.21.24)
Sat: Oh God, this is so true! This is so true! I don’t know how to elaborate really. We are so quick to find a solution for everything, even when it doesn’t need one. It needs to be left alone. Whether it (the solution) is changes, elimination, or whatever it is, it does not need it. [We look for a solution] only because we listen to every thought. Every thought matters, and this quote is saying it doesn’t matter.
Again, we have to watch the pattern now and then when we notice it, to watch it. Lots of things in our lives do not need our interference. They are going well. Again, we bring the Trust in and what I mean by Trust is knowing that there is an ultimate Beingness in us that is doing its job.
The ego or the body consciousness is just a vehicle, it is not a decider, it is not an eliminator, or a fixer. It is just an instrument of doing. When we are more intuitive about our feelings and thoughts, rather than the follower of every feeling and thought, we realize that.
In other words, in a way we live by a higher mind. I think that is a better word for it to understand. We are not so quick on fixing things. We sort of settle down and see exactly what is going on in the situation, within our own self, the way we are trying to solve it. Just give it a little bit of time and understanding.
I will give you an example. We hear that there is a fire close by. That is all the information we know that there is a fire nearby. Everybody has a different reaction to this news.
One person can stay in the present time and again just check in and see what is going on and be more intuitive about the situation. One could be running into the future and saying ‘What is going to happen?’ with all of this agitated energy happening in their body. I assure you the ones that are not running around in their mind or in their circumstances, and they are settling down and looking at it from a perspective that is much better than what is on the surface, they are the one that will make the right decision. Because they are getting nutrition in the tranquility of their own heart. So, if we can train ourselves to stay in this type of approach of living, imagine how much pain we would eliminate in our life, how much extra anxiety and hurry, etc. we solve.
It is a very natural living. Natural living is not lazy and it doesn’t hurry. Nothing is terrible and nothing is ultimately good. It (natural living) is just a place of contemplative, deep silence where doing happens in it, thinking happens in it, and reacting happens in it and that needs training but more than training. What is training? Hearing it, that is what it means. More than hearing it over and over is to understand it, deeply understand it.

Alright Sepideh, Go with your question.
Sepideh: Good evening Sat. I hope I can verbalize my question properly. I have been trying to write it down for several hours now. This is regarding the recent Sai Center topic, where the discussion was about watching the news or not watching the news. You also said it is to not avoid but to release. I was really contemplating about that discussion. The question I had was that You say that we should do our practices consciously. The question for me was if you avoid any situation, the story or the picture, you avoid the picture and you keep your silence that way. Does it have the same amount of benefit if you are aware of what is going on and you consciously stop because you just trust the perfection of the moment? Does that have the same kind of benefit?
Sat: No, you are not understanding though. We don’t talk about avoiding [things]. We are talking about the choice of not being curious about something that is in maya, and you have nothing to do with it and you are not capable of having any part in it. It is like voluntarily opening your mind to collect junk, just like a broom or a vacuum cleaner. That is not avoidance, that is a choice. So, let’s be clear about this part.
But if you are curious and you know that there is nothing you can do, except your mind wants to be entertained with some sort of an emotional roller-coaster, by all means, allow yourself to know what is going on in the world at this time. But then what you can do is be oblivious to the bad and good that you hear. That you can do too.
But My suggestion is what I do and is very comfortable for Me. I don’t go after the news because I realize that they are all lies. If they told the truth, I would be sitting in front of the TV. Not only do the newscasters tell lies, but the people they are talking about are also lies, the reporters also lie. Why would I be in the middle of lies when I am being poured Truth in My body. So, that is one thing. I am not avoiding, I am just choosing.
Now, if someone calls Me without Me asking their opinion, they pour out their frustration about the government, or their frustration with this or that, I will listen, I will not resist it. But at the same time, I am so set in My way of ‘neither this nor that,’ that it means nothing to Me. So, we are not avoiding, we can hear it but then we also have a choice to pick up some garbage or empty our vacuum cleaner and keep it in the closet.
I am glad you asked, Sepideh, although I always thought I was very clear because what we are doing is absolutely not avoidance. But also, it is not a path of embracing either side. It is a path of nonresistance. But that does not mean that I will go in the middle of the war between Russia & Ukraine. Did you understand?
Sepideh: Yes, Sat.
-Sat asks if anyone has any sharing they would like to have with Her.
Mandana asks: I don’t specifically have a sharing, even though I was listening to one of Your audios and I realized the number of times that You have explained the same topic, and how every time it opened up more and more and more. Thanks so much for all Your time that You have given us on individual topics. At the same time, I do have a question. When we talk about understanding, it is not necessarily our realization or experience, how can that understanding become a realization? We understand maybe the Truth, but actually experiencing it.
Sat: Understanding does not need experience. Understanding is beyond experience. Experience is just experience, for example ‘I experience talking to you …’ etc. Understanding is unspoken, being aware of something that you were not aware of before, and in the bosom of that is realization that comes hand in hand with it. Understanding has a different level.
You can understand English and that is on the surface level, so you understand Me because you know English. Then we start going deeper and deeper, as I repeat Myself over and over and over. Then, you get to the point that something happens within you. When the same sentence that you had not had a deep understanding of [before], you hear it again and you sit with it, it opens up to a space of awareness. It takes your breath away, you say to yourself ‘Oh my gosh, how did I not come to find this out when She was telling me 200 times?’ That is the type of understanding, so until we get to that opening, which is beyond experience, it is just being aware of something that you were not able to be aware of beforehand. It is listening, hearing, applying, contemplating, inquiring, (and) watching. This is the process.
Mandana: May I also say that I was contemplating on ‘I don’t know anything,’ and I was listening to so many audios about that. There was a point when I felt as though when I really believe and understand that I don’t know anything, that is when I can fully trust, because at that point of time, I have let go of any knowledge and anything I can put my finger on and say to myself, ‘oh it was because of this that that is going to happen,’ etc.
Sat: Yes, you are analyzing it on the surface right now. When you say to yourself ‘I don’t know anything,’ you can either accept it or believe it, etc. But the best way to know that ‘I don’t know anything,’ is to ask yourself ‘Why is it that I think I don’t know anything?’ Then you start dissecting the time that you thought you knew something, and you realize you didn’t. (Laughs) I tell you this is the surest way because that is what I did with Myself.
When you want to interfere in someone’s life, and then you say to yourself ‘but I don’t know anything because the teaching says this and I believe it.’ No, no, that is not enough to eliminate your interference. What eliminates your interference is to really sit down and say ‘What is it that I know? What is it?’ Then you find out that it is all memories of events and their impression on you that is being regurgitated again.
So, before you interfere or say your opinion, sit down and say ‘What is it that I know?’ Not that, ‘I don’t know anything. What is it that I think I know?’ And honestly you will see that you don’t. Yes, you can give good advice because your habitual way of living is to give advice, but ‘do I really know what is good for this person? Do I really know what is the unfoldment of that person’s life? I don’t. Ok, I am going to throw in the towel.’
Namaste to all of you!
I really enjoyed My time with you and I think we covered everything.
Good night!

USA Chat
November 19, 2024

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